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Apparently I Suck at Blogging. has been six months since I lasted blogged the about the wonderful adventures of the Bruton Clan.  Seems we not as adventurous as we are busy.  And by busy, I mean...absolutely pure chaos.  It is a rare moment that the four of us are in the same house together at the same time.  I am pretty sure the boys are raising themselves and let's face it...they will probably do a better job that I ever could!  Derrick is swamped with work and it never slows down (good thing we all happen to enjoy eating, sleeping, breathing really, we do...maybe just not ALL the time.)  Kale was busy with band and shotgun (not together...wouldn't that be something?), Reid was totally BASEBALL...we love baseball as much as we love 4-H...really.  And me...well...I get to do it ALL plus work.  Ah, the joys of being the wife, mother, dog handler, bus driver, cook (food picker upper), maid, secretary, mediator, policewomen and punching...

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